Wednesday 12 January 2011

The London Group is on its way!

Our Ordinariate meeting on 9 January, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, has now happened.
Much was discussed, including what is now known of the timetable for the establishment of the Ordinariate, how it would operate and what it would look like. We looked at the Evangelium course, which will provide the material for the preparation of those who decide to take up the Holy Father’s offer.
Most importantly, it was decided that a Catechetical group will be established, meeting for the first time on Sunday 6 February at 2.30pm in Gordon Square to begin the preparation sessions.
Until the beginning of Lent, this will be open, not only to those who have now made up their minds to join, but to those who are still making up their minds.
In the meantime, please continue to pray as the establishment of the Ordinariate draws ever closer. Please pray, too, for John Broadhurst, Andrew Burnham and Keith Newton as they prepare for their Ordination to the Priesthood this coming Saturday. We are all encouraged to go to the Ordination Mass, which is being celebrated by Archbishop Vincent Nicholls at Westminster Cathedral at 10.30am.

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